
Although the last few months saw the world and the church in quarantine, the Lord’s victory cannot be quarantined!

When the lockdown began in March, FBCFI Ottawa started gathering in the pastoral house for Sunday services, bible studies, and prayer meetings – all while live-streaming the events to allow others to join in from within their own homes.

As the lockdown progressed, even small gatherings were prohibited, but it did not stop the Ottawa church in coming together in fellowship as sharing and studying of God’s Word continued online.  

We are also beyond grateful for the online messages from our pastors all over the world who tirelessly preached the Word. From Bishop Moses to Ptr. Rachel, and the rest of our dearest pastors from around the globe, the messages they brought have not ceased to bring encouragement to the church.

May we continue to remain grounded in the word of God, encouraged by His faithfulness, and driven by His love to continue serving Him and reaching out to the lost for this is His will for us. 

Finally, we praise God for currently, the church building has reopened to partial capacity with two services on Sundays, while regular prayer meetings and bible studies have also resumed in the church . 

 “We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. “ (Jn 9:4)

Reporter: Jane Berches


Praise be to God who is faithful and true!

The work of the Lord is advancing here in Guelph no matter how this pandemic tries to hinder us from serving Him.

When quarantine started, we began splitting our bible studies and prayer meetings into morning and evening sessions every day. We truly glorify God for keeping us spiritually healthy throughout this time.

Reporter: Jovy Baluga


Praise the Lord! Even though this year started on a rough patch, still, the grace of God flourishes in this church.

Since the onset of the COVID 19 lockdown, we were hindered from meeting physically for our regular activities, such as our Sunday services. However, with the aid of technology, members and leaders were able to meet virtually. Furthermore, to maximize the participation of our members, we have scheduled activities for every day, including sessions for our youths.

We also thank the Lord for the success of our 12th Thanksgiving Anniversary celebration this June 27 and 28, which was attended by our members and guests, including Ptr. Delon Sabog and his family. The two day event was comprised of lecture seminars from Pastors Richard Bocales and  Delon Sabog, a virtual meeting from Ptr. Ruel Buyacao, and the concluding virtual meeting from Ptr. Rachel Chungalao, who expanded on the theme of this year, “For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you,’ Matthew 17:20. “

With these, we continue to give praises to our Lord for His love, grace and mercy that empowers us to persevere in our faith and as we continue, let us keep praying for one another that we may be able to get through in times like this.

Reporter: Zandra Claire Tejero

Photo shows the attendees of the 12th Thanksgiving Anniversary Winnipeg despite COVID 19 through social distancing.

Photo shows the attendees of the 12th Thanksgiving Anniversary Winnipeg despite COVID 19 through social distancing.


Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

This is the message that I received from the Lord during this pandemic crisis. It’s a clear message from the story of the 10 virgins that we’ve been hearing from the teachings of our Bishop, Pastor Rachel, and Ptr. Susan as well. In these signs of the end times, how are we waiting for the Lord? Are we like the 5 wise virgins who had enough oil with them or are we like the 5 foolish virgins who fell asleep and did not carry enough oil while waiting for the Bridegroom? While the city is on lockdown, here is how Torontonians wait for the Lord.

On March 22nd, we started the Live Stream Church Service on the Sunday right after the city announced the commencement of a lockdown. This led to churches closing as only a maximum of five people were allowed to gather. Pastor Susan continued on the DTC teaching and in the same week, she also started the daily online Bible Study through Facebook Go Live, which was viewed globally. Furthermore, online daily prayer groups were created via the suggestion of Ptr. Rachel, who was then stranded in Sydney, Australia. Weekly bible studies were held online via Viber, Messenger, or Zoom.

On April 10th, Ptr. Susan and the members of the tech and music ministries conducted the online Good Friday service at church, which remembered the 7 utterances of Jesus during His crucifixion.

On May 9th, Ptr. Ruel started the East Canada Online Men’s Bible Study, whose members came from the provinces of Ontario, Quebec ,Nova Scotia, and the USA.

May 28th marked a grievous time for the Calugan Clan. Ptr. Susan and her husband, as well as sis. Jane, her husband, Zaldy, and their daughter, Jayza, were all infected by the COVID-19 virus. This virus also led to the passing of their 92-year old Ina/Lola Julia. The FBCFI Family, including Ptr. Rachel, who was still in Sydney, joined forces in extending their prayers and sympathy to comfort Ptr. Susan and the clan.

On June 14th, East Canada and USA’s Women ministry started an online Zoom bible study with the help of pastors and leaders, under the guidance of Ptr. Rachel.

On June 21, glory to God in the highest, for the number of COVID cases slowly began to decrease. The government finally increased the maximum number of people allowed to gather at church to 30% of the church building’s capacity. For the first time in 3 months, the Sunday service was held at the church, which was attended by 31 adults, 2 youths, and Ptr. Robert as the preacher.

As part of the tech ministry, I am so grateful for the lives of Manggad and Shelo who are constantly working hard to livestream our Sunday services. God has truly equipped and used them during this challenging time. Daily bible studies and prayer meetings online also continued, which were shared to family and friends globally by some of our brethren.

Like Ptr. Robert Mclure said in his preaching, we have turned the lockdown into a kneel down fight. The temporary closure of our church became an opportunity for our own homes to become our churches. We thank God every day for the blessing of technology, which allowed us to continue making a difference in serving God despite of the crises we are facing today.

Reporter: Joan L.


The Lord our God never ceases to amaze His children!

FBCFI-Halifax had recently purchased their own church building with the approval of Bishop Moses and through the help of all Free Believers churches in Canada. Since the day the keys to the church was turned over to Pastora Theresa Abella, renovations has been on going through the guidance and leadership of Pastor Ruel Buyacao with the participation of the church members.

Two days before the scheduled church dedication, gathering restrictions were lifted and 50 people were allowed to gather which is why the church ribbon cutting and dedication was attended mostly by church members.

We continue to lift up our praises and thanksgiving to God for what He is doing and will continue to do with His church here in Halifax.

Contract signing with the lawyer

Contract signing with the lawyer

Men working together during church renovations.

Men working together during church renovations.

Ptra. Theresa Abella receiving the keys from the former owners of the church.

Ptra. Theresa Abella receiving the keys from the former owners of the church.

Ribbon cutting and church dedication led by Ptr. Ruel Buyacao and Ptra. Theresa Abella.

Ribbon cutting and church dedication led by Ptr. Ruel Buyacao and Ptra. Theresa Abella.