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Children’s Ministry

Helping kids find and follow God through a variety of ministry environments.

YOuth ministry

Providing a variety of environments to help teens and young adults find and follow God in every circumstance.

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MUsic ministry

Serving God through worship and the language of music.

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Evangelism and outreach

Proclaiming the Good News of Christ and being instruments in creating new people who delight in God through Jesus Christ.

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men’s fellowship

Equipping men to be spiritual leaders in their home, the church and throughout their communities.

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women’s Conference

Providing a unique platform for women to come together and share their support and build connections that result in fervent prayer for one another.

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For all men and women called to acts of courage.

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Help bring diverse groups of people together and also provide practical care and support services.


Marking the entrance of new believers into the Christian family.


Learning how to mature as a believer to being equipped to lead others in the Body of Christ.

Jail Ministry

Teaching deep spiritual lessons, such as how to forgive, how to restore, and how to really pray.